We founded a streaming group, and we're called: Papi Gaming

We founded a streaming group, and we're called: Papi Gaming

We were saddened with the demise of Henlo, Chimkin, my previous streaming group. My wife and I have been planning to resurrect and transform it to a console game stream but we still haven’t figured out how to get the Animal Crossing Limited Edition switch… no go.

So about a month ago, I was invited by Ron (of ‘The Wardens PH’ fame) to help setup the tech for the streaming group. After a discussion, I was finally added to the roster. Papi Gaming is composed of 5 guys: Me, Ron, Rej, Ken, and KM.

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Teenage Engineering OP-Z: Perfect for song writing

Teenage Engineering OP-Z: Perfect for song writing

I recently got into producing and/or performing electronic music. I started from scratch, threw away what I know about music, and I let my chosen genre(s), yeah, Progressive, Metal, Jazz, Fusion, Core, etc. take a back seat. I went full tilt towards lo-fi, trip-hop, trap-metal, and other related genres. I started to (and still) study Ableton Live and to create electronic music. I must say I’m in totally over my head, but I’m in too deep as well.

But one thing that helped me transition a bit easier was a device called the ‘OP-Z’ from Teenage Engineering.

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Hello internet, I'm back!

Hello internet, I'm back!

It’s been almost two years (I think) since I’ve left blogging and social media as a whole. The time without social media has granted me the much needed rest. Now, I come back with a fresh new IDGAF mindset and it’s freakin’ good! Thanks to the influence of Rick and Morty, Chuck Palhaniuk, Albert Camus, and “The Subtle art of not giving a fuck”.

Although I didn’t really want to come back, I really had to; part due to some projects I’ve been working on (Henlo, Chimkin!, Tito Science, and now CHVCK) and part because I feel that my mindset has now accepted social media as it is… soooooo sh*tposting just became super fun IMHO.

Oh well, time for some updates then!

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